Summer Party!

A jolly time was had by all at the CHAPS summer party last Friday 2nd August.  Quinnettes was the perfect venue for our gathering of 50 members who began a delightful evening with a glass of Pimms and canapes outside in the evening sunshine. ☺

The committee “chefs” prepared and served a delicious meal of cold roast beef and pork and a vegetable quiche, together with quinoa and panzanella salads, followed by chocolate brownies with fresh raspberries and cream.  

In support of our local farms, we were keen to champion these hard-working producers.  Meat and dairy were sourced by Meadow Cottage and Hyde Orchard farms; herbs, vegetables and salads by Frensham Market Farm, fruit was from Durleighmarsh Farm, the eggs came from Great Hookley Farm and Cheese on the Wey supplied just that!!  The quality and quantity did not disappoint.  Of course, red and white wines were available to accompany the dishes, which were not quite so local, but delicious nonetheless!  

Much praise was given of the menu and to those CHAPS committee members who worked hard to put together such an enjoyable event.  A special thank you goes out to our four young helpers who, with big smiles, provided excellent service and clean up duty.  We could not have done it without you.  

The evening concluded with the ever-popular horticultural quiz with first prize awarded to “The Semi Conscious” team (self-named) who got 100%